Monday, March 25, 2013

I had always wanted to wear those sleeveless dresses I have, 
but I always had this hesitations 'coz of the chicken skin in my underarms.

but now, I found my solution

The Underarm Peeling set, which is sold at a very affordable price.
the set includes :

  1. Green peeling oil -the peeling agent. Feel is just like J&J’s baby oil but scent is chemical-ish.
  2. Hydrocortisone cream -anti-itch cream. Use to endure itchiness of the skin.
  3. UA Whitening Cream -cream effective in faster whitening of the skin. Night whitening cream for the underarm.
  4. Aluminum chloride -whitens the skin while preventing sweat at the same time. Serves as your deodorant while in the process of peeling.
bought mine for only P350. perfectly a lot cheaper than other UA products out in the market.

I started my peeling session just this 20th of March. and it's been great

1. Apply the green peeling oil on the underarms, 3x a day for 3 days only. It can be applied at night 3X with 15 mins interval. Let it dry and NO need to rinse
2. If itchiness or redness occurs, apply hydrocortisone cream
3. After 3 days of peeling GPO, rest the skin and wait until it peels-off. DO NOT RUB
4. When the skin has totally peeled-off, Use aluminum Chloride in the morning, and apply bleaching cream at night.
- Use your fingers when applying the oil. Peeling starts 2-4 days after the last application of green peeling oil. Peeling lasts 3-7 days. (Mine peeled the 2nd day)

- To prevent the redness or itchiness, Apply hydrocortisone cream on the 2nd day after applying the green peeling oil. (I had some itchiness during the 2nd day it started peeling, so I applied the hydrocort cream. It really helped make the itchiness tolerable.)
- Do not use deodorant and avoid washing the underarms with soap during the peeling session. The green peeling will serve as your deo during peeling, it prevents sweating of underarms. (While I was still applying GPO, i really tried not to wet my UA, but still end up wetting it. haha, it's hard you know! & yes, do not as in DO NOT apply deodorant while in peeling session, coz the chemicals in the deo might make your ua a lot darker than it usually was, you wouldn't like that right?)
- Waxing and shaving can be done with outmost care. (I really suggest you shave or wax 1or2 days before.)
- Place bleaching cream inside refrigerator (This is optional)
- Peeling interval should be 3months before peeling the under arm (Follow, follow follow, or your skin might get burnt.)

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